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    Purposely Profitable : Embedding Sustainability into the DNA of Food Processing and Other Businesses

Purposely Profitable : Embedding Sustainability into the DNA of Food Processing and Other Businesses

Competing and winning in today’s competitive marketplace requires a strategy that includes sustainability. Business leaders who embrace it and convey a strong sense of purpose behind their strategy are propelling their organizations into revenue-increasing, cost-reducing outcomes.

About the Book
‘Purposely Profitable: Embedding Sustainability into the DNA of Food Processing and other Businesses’ provides a proven, step-by-step methodology for integrating sustainability into the strategic plan to develop a strategy that is sustainable and aligned to a greater purpose..

This book notably includes the following:

A primer on Sustainability that defines Sustainable Business and presents the Business Case for Sustainability
What is an organizational purpose and why is it so important I today’s competitive marketplace.
Step by step instructions, supported by a case study, for developing each component of the strategic plan (Purpose, Vision, Strategic Pillars, KPI’s, Goals, Programs Action Plans, and Tactical Execution)
A suite of tools and resources to support the development and execution of the strategic plan

Intended Audience
Scientists and managers in the global food supply chain, sustainability professionals, researchers, students, regulators, executives and business owners will come to learn and understand a powerful system for developing a strategy that is sustainable in order to maximize organizational performance.

Press + Recognition
We are happy to note that ‘Purposely Profitable’ was featured as a hot new release this month on Amazon and ranked in the top 40 for its category!

An excerpt was also published by Green Biz in anticipation for the book launch.

What some companies miss about sustainability @greenintentions https://t.co/eRyy9U9iD1 pic.twitter.com/MGElclX1xl
— Joel Makower (@makower) May 21, 2016


About the author
Brett Wills is President of Green Enterprise Movement Inc.; Director Sustainability of HPS Inc, and Professor at Seneca College

Key Focuses
Sustainability, Strategy, Strategic Planning, Purpose Driven, Organizations, Embedding Sustainability, Strategy Execution, Corporate Social Responsibility, Environmental Sustainability, Key Performance Indicators, Strategy Alignment

By |June 6th, 2016|News, Publication|Comments Off on Purposely Profitable : Embedding Sustainability into the DNA of Food Processing and Other Businesses

The benefits of working with online influencers

Here are 8 reasons why you should work with online influencers: http://t.co/rC9dhixeta #sustainability #Toronto pic.twitter.com/QiZ1LgY7v6
— Brett Wills (@greenintentions) November 17, 2014

By |October 25th, 2015|News|Comments Off on The benefits of working with online influencers

How Green Product Claims Affect Purchase Intent and Brand Perception

Great sustainable product stories, told well, can generate enormous benefits. That’s why leading global brands have made sustainable products and processes — and the effective communication of their efforts — a high priority.

But telling a sustainability story is rife with risks. Making unsubstantiated claims can damage your brand’s reputation and strain customer loyalty. On the other hand, communicating your sustainability efforts in a credible and compelling way can influence consumer purchase intent and brand perception.

How do you tell your product story effectively?

GEM can guide you with key findings from studies and help you plan how to leverage this information to enhance your company’s sustainability story to drive greater brand value.

Insight GEM has to offer:

What consumers want to know related to green product claims
The impact of green product claims on purchase intent
How consumers view claims that are vague or misleading

By |April 21st, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on How Green Product Claims Affect Purchase Intent and Brand Perception

Why Go Green: 9 Reasons to Re-Examine Your Lifestyle

There are likely as many answers to the question “Why Go Green?” as there are people who live a sustainable lifestyle. It is a deeply personal, encompassing choice that is usually embraced wholeheartedly by the individual for often deep, philosophical meaning.

Find some of the most frequently discussed reasons below.


Whatever you do, don’t let it overwhelm you! #staypositive

Action is the antidote to despair.

– Joan Baez


Climate Change
Probably most well-known as “global warming”, the science behind climate change is one of the most hotly debated topics among people today. Although it is often a huge motivator behind the green movement, there are still those who fail to acknowledge its validity, many others who feel helpless about it, and very few who ask the real question: Man-made or not, does it actually matter?

Peak Oil
Peak oil has gathered a lot of attention in recent years. The term refers to a peak in oil extraction followed by a decline of production and a dramatic rise in cost. The idea that we can actually run out of (or at least, cease to be able to afford the increasingly difficult extraction of) oil is a disconcerting idea when almost every aspect of our Western lifestyle depends on it as a cheap commodity.

Environmental Impact
While climate change and peak oil can be debated, the impact of environmental pollution on humans and habitat is undeniable. Every year more fresh water is polluted, natural landscape is lost, and animals are becoming endangered or extinct. A loss of biodiversity raises the risks of disease, blight, and famine and the rate at which humans pollute the Earth is much faster than the rate at which the Earth can be restored.

Health and Wellness
Every week we read about a new study that […]

By |January 20th, 2015|Greenliving|Comments Off on Why Go Green: 9 Reasons to Re-Examine Your Lifestyle


Are you looking to reduce utility costs, increase operational efficiency, attract/retain/engage employees, drive innovation and create new business opportunities?
GEM can deliver sustainability solutions that drive real business benefits.
Speak to us today about how GEM can help lead you through a more sustainable strategy for the future as well as with key findings from studies and help you plan how to leverage this information to enhance your company’s sustainability story to drive greater brand value.

Sustainability: A Better Way To A Bigger Profit!

Based on the fundamental concept of continuously improving social, environmental and economic performance across the value chain, Sustainability is simply, a better way to make a bigger profit.
While organizations have attended to Social and Environmental performance for decades, it is traditionally economic performance that drives strategy and decision making. Sustainability offers a revolutionary business model by including social and environmental factors in the strategy and decision making process to maximize organizational performance and produce superior profits.

Building A Strategy That Is Sustainable
An organization without a strategy is like a ship without a rudder, the outcome is unpredictable and left to chance. In today’s economy, are you willing to leave your business to chance? Competing and winning in today’s economy not only requires a strategy, but one that includes sustainability. Even with a strategy, many organizations mistakingly ignore tenants of sustainability or develop a side strategy for Sustainability that is separate from the business strategy and fail to realize optimal results.

GEM’S proven, dynamic methodology provides organizations the ability to develop an integrated strategy. By combining strategy with sustainability, GEM coaches organizations to produce a Strategy that is Sustainable. Based on proven models such as the Rockefeller Habits and CERES Sustainability Roadmap, this powerful approach maximizes social, […]

By |January 7th, 2015|News, Sustainability|Comments Off on TURN OVER A NEW LEAF IN 2015

Driving Sustainability Through Procurement

Becoming a sustainable organization requires a multi-faceted approach that reaches across the full enterprise, unfortunately there is no silver bullet.

The good news is an increasing number of tools, techniques and processes are emerging to drive sustainability.

One tool that is often underestimated is the power of a policy approach and one policy area that is becoming increasingly popular is procurement. With many organizations already having some form of procurement or purchasing policy in place, enhancing the sustainability of an existing policy or developing one from scratch, is a natural next step for organizations looking to embed sustainability across value chain.

Focusing on procurement as a vehicle for Sustainability has many benefits from the reduction of costs to avoiding supply chain disruptions to meeting expectations of customers. The rub is that with no directions or a process to follow, sustainable procurement can seem like a daunting challenge. Here are 4 steps any organization can take to move procurement in a more sustainable direction:

1. Scope/Boundary Setting: Identify the scope and boundary for the policy.  Start with a general area focusing on the most commonly purchased items and expand from there. For example, start with a scope of general office supplies and focus on those items purchased regularly. Develop an inventory of these common items such as paper, pens, folders, note pads etc.

2. Define Sustainability Attributes: Once the scope and boundary is decided, determine the desired sustainability attributes for the targeted items. When developing these attributes it helps to look at 3 general areas: Economic (i.e cost, quality and delivery) Environmental (i.e recycled content and recyclable at end of life) Social (i.e working conditions, testing practices). With a list of attributes decided, rank the top attributes and decide how […]

By |November 26th, 2014|Sustainability, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Driving Sustainability Through Procurement

Gaming for Green

Who says games are just for kids? People of all ages enjoy playing games in their free time. However, games are quickly becoming a must have in the toolbox of sustainability leaders across the globe. In fact, experts and practitioners around the world are coining gamification as the most disruptive force to engagement since the emergence of social media.

Traditionally defined, gamification is the use of various game based mechanics such as the accumulation of points, awarding of badges, issuing of challenges and development of leader-boards. A traditional example includes existing loyalty programs such as the airline frequent flyer programs where participants accumulate points that are redeemable for various “prizes” but are also rewarded handsomely via lounge access, priority boarding etc. when a certain points level is achieved.

With the proliferation of social media, smart phones, tablets and other devices, leading organizations across the globe have realized that leveraging the concept of gamification to engage employees, suppliers and other stakeholders in Green and Sustainability can lead to some epic wins.

Take the Partners in Project Green “People Power Challenge” for example. Companies in the GTA sign up to participate in this year long challenge. Participating companies are awarded points for completing tasks across 3 categories in 3 different challenges related to Energy, Waste and Water. A live leader-board shows which organizations are currently “winning” and at the end of the game, the leaders in each challenge along with an overall leader receive cash prizes to go towards a green initiative suggested by an employee during the game. The result is a win-win for all involved as companies drive employee engagement and awareness, receive innovative ideas for projects, have the opportunity to raise capital for green projects, not […]

By |November 26th, 2014|Sustainability, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Gaming for Green
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    Strategies that will most effectively drive cities to achieve deep carbon-reduction goals

Strategies that will most effectively drive cities to achieve deep carbon-reduction goals

VERGE City Summit 2014 convened a select group of city, corporate, and NGO partner leaders to discuss strategies that will most effectively drive cities to achieve deep carbon-reduction goals. 

Home to more than half of the world’s population, cities are top contributors to growing greenhouse emissions. On the bright side, this means that cities can (and will) play a key role in taking a stance against climate change.


In the following article, City Summit participant Greg Kats points out 7 actionable ways for cites to make scalable impacts. You can check out his ideas here: http://grn.bz/1oRvUhK 


1. Adopt cool roof, green roof and solar harvesting strategies

2. Integrate smart-building platforms with existing systems

3. Enter into long-term agreements to buy new renewable energy

4. Insist that cities’ energy efficiency investments be counted in cap-and-trade programs

5. Measure, count and reduce the CO2 embedded in cities’ buildings and roads

6. Invest in new versions of ancient building products that can reduce or sequester CO2 in buildings

7. Incorporate best-estimate CO2 costs into design and investment decisions


Are you working on or have you heard about any impactful city initiatives to reduce carbon emissions?


By |November 13th, 2014|News|Comments Off on Strategies that will most effectively drive cities to achieve deep carbon-reduction goals
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    When It Comes To Food Packaging, What We Don’t Know Could Hurt Us

When It Comes To Food Packaging, What We Don’t Know Could Hurt Us

t’s almost impossible to imagine life without flexible, transparent and water-resistant food packaging, without plastic sandwich bags, cling film or shelves filled with plastic jars, tubs and tubes and durable bags and boxes.

While storing food in containers dates back thousands of years, and food has been sold in bottles since the 1700s and cans since the 1800s, what might be considered the modern age of food packaging began in the 1890s, when crackers were first sold in sealed waxed paper bags inside a paperboard box. Plastics and other synthetics began to appear in the 1920s and ’30s, shortly after chemical companies started experimenting with petroleum-based compounds and pioneering new materials that could be used for household as well as industrial applications.

Fast forward to 2014: Upwards of 6,000 different manufactured substances are now listed by various government agencies as approved for use in food contact materials in the U.S. and Europe — materials that can legally go into consumer food packaging, household and commercial food containers, food processing equipment and other products.

Recent analyses have revealed substantial gaps in what is known about the health and environmental effects of many of these materials and raised questions about the safety of others. A study published this past July found that 175 chemicals used in food contact materials are also recognized by scientists and government agencies as chemicals of concern — chemicals known to have adverse health effects. Another published in December 2013 found that more than 50 percent of food contact materials in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration database of such substances lacked accompanying toxicology information filed with the FDA about the amount people can safely eat. This database is publicly available and searchable, but the database itself doesn’t include toxicology information about […]

By |November 6th, 2014|News|Comments Off on When It Comes To Food Packaging, What We Don’t Know Could Hurt Us

On The Path To Global Food Security | November 2014

A conversation between Monsanto’s CTO Robb Fraley and Seeds Matter Cultivator Matthew Dillon at last week’s VERGE San Francisco brought to light how the future of food relies on seeds.

Feeding the world’s population in the face of climate change is a remarkable challenge and there are innumerable discrepancies as to making it possible. Both Fraley and Dillon are advocates for using technology innovations to improve seeds, but their discussed strategies for doing so were far from similar.

You can learn more about their opposing views and read about the conversation here: http://grn.bz/1sjR6ZY 

How do you think technology in seed development can best be used for the future of food?

By |November 6th, 2014|News|Comments Off on On The Path To Global Food Security | November 2014